Corporations & the 2020 Election

Published: Blue Shoe Podcast
By: Christine Merser, September 13, 2020

For the past four years corporations have participated in getting their employees to register to vote and in ever increasing numbers giving time off on Election Day to vote. But it’s more complicated than that. Here is something you didn’t know. Voter registration is down – in high double digits – especially with younger voters. What we think of as an election where everyone is engaged is not the case, and Lesa surmises why. Lots of interesting info, and a to do list so you don’t look back after the election is over and wonder why you didn’t do more. Join Christine Merser as she interviews Lesa Ukman, who for twenty years has been at the forefront with collecting data and evaluating the value of corporate sponsorships and their return on investment. Now she and her team focus on corporate responsibility around giving, and its relationship to the company’s core values.

